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I'm Different

Instead of the usual intro about who I am, let's dive into my Goals and Vision. I've often heard that sharing your goals can open the door to sabotage. While there's truth in that, I've also learned that moving too covertly can hinder progress. It's a reality I've come to understand through experience.

Here are my goals (surface level):

1. Normalize Free and Innovative Thinking: Inspire a culture where creative and independent thought is the norm.
2. Elevate Blueprints and Strategies: Turn ideas into tangible, working solutions.
3. Decipher Effectiveness: Assess whether ideas are effective or need improvement.
4. Remove Barriers: Eliminate obstacles that limit potential.
5. Build a Collaborative Community: Unite people committed to shared interests and objectives through synchronization, productivity, and collaboration.
6. Promote Environmental Sustainability: Advocate for practices that protect and preserve American communities for future generations.
7. Encourage Entrepreneurship: Support budding entrepreneurs and small businesses with resources and mentorship.
8. Strengthen Family Values: Promote strong family bonds and support systems.
9. Advance Technology for Good: Use technology to solve societal problems and improve lives.
10. Champion Collaboration and Success: Foster teamwork and shared achievements.
11. Develop Communities with State of the Art Infrastructure and Self-Sustainability: Work towards improving services and infrastructure in the community.
12. Cultivate Artistic Expression: Support the arts and encourage creative expression in all its forms.